October 19, 2021 will mark 40 years that Ohio enacted its current death penalty statute. 40 years of racial injustice, 40 years of wrongful convictions, and 40 years harming the families of murder victims.
Enough is enough. #NoDeathPenaltyOH wants to use this unfortunate anniversary as a moment to make a huge, positive impact on our campaign to end the death penalty.
That’s why we’re asking you to join us for our kick-off event on October 19 for the first #NoDeathPenaltyOH Lobby Week. You are invited to (virtually) to lobby your legislators to support SB 103 and HB 183 that would abolish Ohio’s broken death penalty. This is your opportunity to make the case to your representative why you care about ending the death penalty!
Come back soon for a full schedule of the week’s events!
* Due to ongoing concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Delta variant, we are in the process of switching this lobby day to be all virtual. Please register and be on the lookout for more information as we move forward.
Registration for Lobby week 2021 is now closed. If you’d like to get involved in the campaign to end Ohio’s death penalty, reach out to Ohioans to Stop Executions’ Director of Organizing, Jennifer Pryor, at [email protected].