#NoDeathPenaltyOH is the official campaign to end Ohio’s death penalty. Since its reintroduction in 1981, the death penalty has proven to be an expensive, racist, arbitrary system that convicts innocent people. Ohio can keep our citizens safe and hold individuals accountable for their actions without the death penalty– in fact, it’s what we already do the vast majority of the time.
We are working together to pass bills that would repeal Ohio’s death penalty. They have strong bipartisan support, demonstrating how important repeal is to both sides of the aisle.
It’s time to move Ohio forward to join the 23 other states that have already abandoned the death penalty.
Add your organization: My organization supports the campaign to end the death penalty in Ohio.
Key partners in the fight to abolish Ohio’s death penalty

- The 8th Amendment Project
- ACLU National
- ACLU of Ohio
- American Solidarity Party
- Amnesty International
- The Amos Project
- Campaign to End the Death Penalty
- Catholic Charities – Cleveland
- Catholic Commission of Cuyahoga County
- Catholic Conference of Ohio
- Catholic Mobilizing Network
- Catholics Against Capital Punishment
- The Central District Conference of Mennonite Church USA
- Conservatives Concerned
- Death Penalty Action
- Death Penalty Focus
- Democrats for Life of America
- Dominican Sisters of Peace
- EJUSA Evangelical Network
- Episcopal Peace Fellowship
- Equal Justice USA
- Faith in Public Life
- flocc — Faith Leaders of Color Coalition
- The Freedom BLOC
- Greater Dayton Christian Connections
- Innovation Ohio
- International Commission against Execution
- The International Federation of ACATs
- Journey of Hope
- League of Women Voters – Ohio
- The Marianist Social Justice Collaborative
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Coalition
- The Musketeer Association
- National Congress on Faith & Social Justice
- The National Council of Jewish Women, Cleveland
- National Hispanic Leadership Agenda
- Ohio Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty
- Ohio Fair Courts Alliance
- Ohio Families Unite for Political Action and Change
- Ohio Innocence Project
- The Ohio Justice and Policy Center
- The Ohio Organizing Collaborative
- The Ohio Student Association
- The Ohio Transformation Fund
- Penal Reform International
- People of Faith Against the Death Penalty
- Pro Black, Pro Life
- Reprieve
- Responsible Business Initiative for Justice
- Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati
- Sisters of the Precious Blood
- Soto Zen Buddhist Association
- Southern Center for Human Rights
- Student Abolition
- Unitarian Universalist Justice Ohio (UUJ)
- Vote Common Good
- Witness to Innocence
- The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty